Dissemination Activities
Scientific Presentations TEIA acknowledged VIVOIMAG in the following presentations: “Nanomedicine and Medical Physics: Trojan horse for funding and innovation?”, Seminar Room, Center for Med. Physics...
Scientific Presentations TEIA acknowledged VIVOIMAG in the following presentations: “Nanomedicine and Medical Physics: Trojan horse for funding and innovation?”, Seminar Room, Center for Med. Physics...
Scientific Journals Rouchota, M. Georgiou, E. Fysikopoulos, E. Fragogeorgi, K. Mikropoulos, P. Papadimitroulas, G. Kagadis, G. Loudos. A prototype PET/SPECT/X-rays scanner dedicated for whole body...
University of Leeds The University of Leeds and the Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust are home to one of the largest, most vibrant and successful cardio...
The project is split in five Workpackages: WP1: Project Management — Leader: DEMO (M1-M48) WP2: Development of contrast agents — Leader: BIOIMAG (M1-M32) WP3: Incorporation...
The main objective of VIVOIMAG is to develop bone implants including a new contrast agent sensitive to enzymatic activity of metaloproteases, which will permit for...
The main objective of VIVOIMAG is to develop bone implants including a new contrast agent sensitive to enzymatic activity of metaloproteases, which will permit for...